首页   > 电影  >伦理片  >杀戮旅店 La bestia uccide a sangue freddo  >杀戮旅店 La bestia uccide a sangue freddo高清在线观看

杀戮旅店 La bestia uccide a sangue freddo

恐怖 悬疑 惊悚 西方伦理  意大利  1971 

杀戮旅店 La bestia uccide a sangue freddo剧情介绍

A cloaked figure slips into an exclusive psychiatric clinic and murders one of the female patients. Meanwhile, various sexuals liaisons are revealed. The mystery killer continues with his massacre: he beheads a nurse with a scythe, pushes a chauffeur into a spiked “Iron Maiden”, strangles an older female patient, kills a nymphomaniac with an axe, and shoots a lesbian through the neck with a crossbow. Doctor Clay and the police set a trap for the killer using one of the attractive female patients as bait. However, they are not prepared for the onslaugth that follows最新电影


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